Advanced Training Tips Using Incline Bench Press

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Using an incline bench press for a workout is a staple for building the upper body muscles. The movements help in moving muscle fibers toward the chest, shoulders, triceps, and back. Even though a flat bench press has proven to be detrimental in building a bigger and stronger upper body, an incline bench press is better.

Advanced Training Tips Using Incline Bench Press

How Can I Get Better at Bench Press?

The time you spend on a bench press is directly proportional to your gym ego. In fact, a very common question in a gym is how much bench press they can do. While this improves with time, there are a few things you can do to get better quickly. Here are a few tips to get better at bench press:

      • Warm-up: warming up can really get you ready for the Zen of lifting heavy weights.

      • Set up: doing it right from the start is the key to getting better at the bench press. Make sure the bars are at the right height and that you start with the right weight.

      • Have a spotter: knowing there is someone who can help you in case of need is a great comfort. They not only help you push back a bar but also encourage you to lift heavier.

      • Add on to the weights: ideally, you should gradually increase the weights soon as you get comfortable. Start by adding an additional 5 to 10lbs per session.

    What Can I Train at an Incline Bench Press?

    Working on an incline bench press is focusing on the upper body pecs. If you wish to build bigger and stronger arms, shoulders, chest, and back an incline bench is all needed. Lifting weights at an incline bench helps in developing the pectoral muscles. The 15 to 30 degrees inclination activates your shoulders by stressing the rotator cuffs. Alternatively, the rotator cuff is prone to injury when using a flat bench press.

    Incline Bench Press

    How Can I Use an Incline Bench Press for Advanced Exercises?

    Several variations to the incline bench press pass for advanced exercises. If you are planning to take things to another level, consider investing in an incline bench press. The inclined angle enables you to enhance the efforts you put into the exercise through pressure on your shoulders. No matter what level of weightlifting you are, an incline bench press version can certainly add more excellent benefits to your fitness program.

    Which Muscle Does an Incline Bench Press Target?

    An incline bench press targets three muscle groups, the pectoralis major, triceps brachii, and the anterior deltoid. However, a flat bench press also targets the same muscles but an incline bench focuses more on the upper pecs. Moreover, the upper portion of the pectoral muscles is better developed using an incline bench press.

    Incline Bench Press Target

    Is Incline Bench Press Better than a Flat Bench Press?

    In short, an incline bench press is better for building the upper part of the body. Moreover, the efforts you put into an exercise on a bench press yield more results when done on an incline bench press. There is also less risk of injury as compared to exercises done on a flat bench press. However, a flat bench press is highly popular in gyms for intensive weightlift training.

    Where Can I Find an Incline Bench Press for my Home Gym?

    Several places offer variations for incline bench presses that can fit into any home gym. However, the two options available at Pacillo are compact and ideal for home gyms. Both the incline bench press can be towed away into a corner and used for weightlifting exercises.

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